Comment 118725

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted May 20, 2016 at 11:11:56 in reply to Comment 118712

@By Crispy nearly none of our would make an operating profit as well. I work in the planning industry and currently every rapid transit project in Ontario has to go through some type of commercial cost benefit analysis test so that the project's commercial viability can be tested. Even UPX went through it. It doesn't mean every rapid transit project must or will make a operating profit. What's so annoying is that, nearly all major road projects are never put through this same test. Do you know why? This was admitted to me by a senior transport engineering specialist, It's because nearly 90% of all road major road projects would fail the same test miserably! Even when you add user fees many of these road projects still fail financially! Most of our roads and road projects just like our rapid transit system projects do not pay for themselves! They never will they all require taxes! We as a society just seem to give road projects a pass in this part of the planning process!

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