Comment 118711

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted May 20, 2016 at 07:56:57

All in all that was a great article Ryan! As for @TAXPAYER's comments about the Liberals wasting money, its curious that after the common sense revolution in the 1990's and the extreme damage it did to the province and its economy, this a comment from not me but other fiscal conservatives economists in the US. I find it interesting that since then, every and I mean every, provincial Conservative Party election platform since then that used it as their platform's economic underpinning, has never been able to form a government! The Ornge debacle aside, a clear case of corruption at all levels not just the government but corporate as well, the liberals have been using an ever shrinking number of policy instruments to try and restart a new type of manufacturing in Ontario, with mixed results.

The Rapid Transit & LRT building program throughout the province is about modernizing a transportation system due to the fact that, the world wide the automobile sector is shrinking because all over the developed world fewer and fewer young people want or can afford the hassle of car ownership. The switch to from fossil fuels powered vehicles and driverless cars will only in the next 20-30 years increase the cost of a car, not make it less! This is from the president of Honda!

If you live in North America and are approaching 70 be warned, the entire insurance industry wants every state and province to have yearly driving test for everyone over 70. They usually, eventually, get their way! Not just a vision test but a hand to eye coordination timing response test as well! Failure of just one test means forever losing your license. There are just too many seniors having too many expensive to insure accidents now (too many seniors wiping out porches of homes, crowded bus stops or turning sit down restaurants into drive-through's because they mixed the accelerator and brake pedal). The aging Babyboomers will only make this problem worse.

Unfortunately, many (although not all) seniors can't cycle everywhere. Your only answer is more high occupancy public transit inside and around cities and a lot more money spent on basic public transit.

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