Comment 118488

By Steve (registered) | Posted May 12, 2016 at 17:52:58

Huh? This is completely disingenuous to bring this argument up now. The LRT mirroring the B-Line was plan from way back in 2009 and 2010. That was the plan when "what's her name" who ran the LRT office before leaving for Niagara Region was running the dog and pony show.

Just wait until the general public realize that buses will still need to run in parallel to the LRT, as they do now with the B-Line.

Sure add a Gage Street stop, but the Delta is too close to Ottawa for a Gage Park stop. If you want Gage Park lobby for the LRT to run along Main Street.

It always perplexed me why the B-line didn't have a stop at Wellington, but Matthew Green shared with me during the last election that fact/"issue" didn't even register with First Place residents. They could care less about the B-line, so the main driver for a Wellington Street stop is gone.

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