Comment 118343

By Surbanite (anonymous) | Posted May 06, 2016 at 14:08:37 in reply to Comment 118340

Actually what I did is assumed no growth in ridership for LRT and no increase in operating costs for the buses. The picture as it stands right now to show the current costs. $2.93 / trip on the bus x 7.4 million to QTC = $21,682,000 per year $2.93/trip on the bus x 9.2 million to Eastgate = $26,956,000 per year. I was attempting to show the naysayers that LRT is less costly (more sustainable) even if ridership stays exactly the same and operating costs do not go up at all. I think most people who don't use public transit are opposing LRT because they think it will cost them more as a taxpayer. I also was attempting to show that Ward 5, and others even in Wards 1 - 4 should be advocating for the route to go to Eastgate! It will cost every taxpayer less if the route is extended. Ward 5 isn't dodging a bullet; they're adding costs to their own and everyone's property taxes.

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