Comment 118336

By Surbanite (anonymous) | Posted May 06, 2016 at 11:45:20

In addition to discussions on additional stops, the proposed route itself should be up for discussion. Reports show current annual operating costs of B-line bus is $22 million to the QTC. LRT to QTC will be $16 million, however rerouting buses will cost an additional $17 million per year. Total annual operating costs (borne by the taxpayers) estimated at $33 million per year. In comparison, current annual operating costs of B-line all the way to Eastgate is currently $27 million. Annual operating costs for LRT would be $22 million ($5 million per year less than current bus system). The other buses that feed Eastgate are mostly area rated to the other areas so shouldn't be as much of a concern to old city taxpayers. We need more transparent information that shows clearly what the on-going costs will be to the taxpayers before any final decisions are made on the route.

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