Comment 117639

By Sarah WP (anonymous) | Posted April 11, 2016 at 15:02:09

Kennith, my apologies:

The last bit should say "So before we give ourselves a pat on the back because of the proposed changes coming, we need to humble ourselves and realize this is just the *beginning* to a long journey.

If anyone has taken a look at the current curriculum in use, you would see it's highly faulty. Hence the need for the government's proposed 60 million dollar intervention to deal with the math crisis. EQAO scores are plummeting, and it only points to a bad curriculum.

Our current crisis in the job market can only be blamed on a government who has allowed most manufacturing and other companies that offer well paying occupations, to leave our province. Regardless of left or right wing politics and "class warfare", the system is and has always been designed to fail people who need services, and other options need to be explored. That's all I am implying. I've worked in the system and I witnessed it first hand.

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