Comment 117627

By kevinlove (registered) | Posted April 11, 2016 at 12:58:13

A few comments:

4-5 years for a Hydro substation renovation? That seems a bit long of a time-frame. If true, I suspect that this is not being driven by construction considerations, but by bureaucratic and budget considerations. In other words, they will build it as money becomes available.

Children can't use the park? Just to stand of the grass or lie down under a tree? Bizarre. When I was a kid cue the Four Yorkshireman during recess I went all over the place. Yes, into the park adjacent to the school grounds. To deny that to children not only severely impairs their quality of life, but produces adults who have never had that experience of exploring discovering, creating and playing on their own.

Yikes! I don't want my children to live in a world dominated by those kinds of adults.

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