Comment 117120

By JasonL (registered) | Posted March 22, 2016 at 09:43:18 in reply to Comment 117118

certainly there is another whole discussion to be had regarding the poor transit investment in Toronto in recent decades. That lesson should be a warning to us in little Hamilton to get our transit in tip top shape before we become too far behind. I think that makes Toronto's continued investment in safe streets even more commendable, since they face much greater pressure from car drivers to 'speed things up a little'. They won't allow businesses on Queen, King, College etc... to suffer just so they can open up 4-5 lane one way expressways for car drivers. Kudos to them for having a vision of a successful, business-friendly city.
Hopefully they'll improve their transit to ease the burden of travel in that city.

This also highlights how embarrassing Hamilton is. We have zero congestion, yet still have elected officials trying to speed up car travel at the expense of all other transportation modes.

I must, however, take exception to the term 'roadblock'. I don't recall anyone suggesting we literally close off all roads and make people walk.

We're talking about not allowing people to do 100+ down King and slice humans in half, or roar 70 down quiet side streets next to parks and schools. Some of the worlds most livable cities have 20 or 30km speed limits on side streets and 40km on main streets. That's not a 'roadblock', its' a safe speed to drive a 2 ton hunk of metal with people, cyclists, kids and shop-goers all mixing together.

Comment edited by JasonL on 2016-03-22 09:47:41

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