Comment 117118

By CharlesBall (registered) | Posted March 22, 2016 at 09:34:10

I used to live in Leaside and worked in downtown Toronto. I avoid the city now (I want to say like the plague but that is too harsh.) Traffic congestion being the second worst in Canada, top 5 in north America and 64th worst in the world make it an undesirable destination for me. When I have to go there for work I take the train and keep to the downtown and then come back. Anywhere else where driving is required is uber frustrating. It may be a great place for people living in the various areas that they do, but the road networks do not encourage visitation.

I read today that Tomtom says that Torontonians travel times are 28% above what they should be.

Any time that I spend in a car, bus, train or plane longer than I have to is wasted time. Livability to me means spending my time on things I like to do, not trudging along because someone purposely is setting up figurative and literal roadblocks. (Roadblocks have always had a negative connotation in literature.)

I still have many friends in Toronto and they love their city, but transit is their number one complaint.

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