Comment 117107

By notlloyd (registered) - website | Posted March 21, 2016 at 20:55:06 in reply to Comment 117105

The article says they have had to increase ambulance staffing by 65% as a result of traffic calming. Further from the article:

Meanwhile a reduction of one minute on average response times could save up to 500 more lives a year, he said.

Mr Reinton said: "We have made tremendous improvements in recent years, and in November achieved the Government's standard of reaching 75% of Category A calls in eight minutes.

"But I am convinced that we could save even more lives if the traffic was flowing better.

"The situation is about more than just road humps - our ambulances also have to slow down for chicanes and width barriers, often to just walking pace.

"The fact that side streets have been shut off also has an impact as we then get caught up in the increased traffic on other routes."

One has to wonder what will happen when King is two way and the ambulances can't turn left. For a site that screams over one death more per year for pedestrians between Hamilton and Ottawa, I wonder if there would be the same screaming over this.

Not really choosing safety and livability over speeding trafic - choosing "livability" over safety and expense/cost more likely.

Comment edited by notlloyd on 2016-03-21 21:04:52

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