Comment 117100

By highasageorgiapine (registered) | Posted March 21, 2016 at 16:36:42 in reply to Comment 117091

i can empathize with this statement.

i don't think it's helpful to paint all of toronto as some sort of planning mecca. in these affluent neighbourhoods that people like to visit, yes, things are quite nice! you could make this same article with some neighbourhoods in hamilton and make it seem like a progressive place also when in reality neither are great overall examples. for most people who live in the city, their experience isn't so pleasant.

that being said this article outlines some good ideas to consider. the speed limit reduction would be great from a public health perspective. given my above comment, it would be useful to remind people that when the medical officer of health proposed a blanket reduction of speed in toronto he was publicly shamed by the mayor. i highly doubt this would even be seriously considered here

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