Comment 117086

By JasonL (registered) | Posted March 21, 2016 at 12:06:44 in reply to Comment 117085

Agreed on the mindset shift regarding our lower city. It's the same mindset shift that has happened everywhere, including Toronto. However, I don't necessarily agree that our density isn't enough to support walkable, vibrant neighbourhood streets. Sure, we need more density to continue supporting local business, but look at Locke and James.

We could take all the new towers in Mississauga with their 10's of thousands of people and plop them on King West and it would still be a horrid place to sit and enjoy city life.

As the above pics show, the residential fabric off the main streets in this part of Toronto is similar to ours. Heck, look at the residential neighbourhoods surrounding downtown Dundas. Lower density than many hoods in Hamilton, yet the area is designed to be walkable, and therefore booms.

Walkability is directly tied to design. We need to change our design, especially now that as you've pointed out, people actually want to live in these neighbourhoods.

Comment edited by JasonL on 2016-03-21 12:08:33

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