Comment 116937

By DowntownInHamilton (registered) | Posted March 09, 2016 at 20:56:59 in reply to Comment 116934

A successful core, east, west and south ends of our city are good for all of us.

Try explaining that to the guy who lives in Dundas, works in Dundas, and never goes beyond Longwood in Hamilton unless they really need to. They're content living in Dundas, shopping in Dundas, Ancaster, or Flamborough, but not in Hamilton, except for the west end.

I have a very hard time discussing these types of things with my folks who are lifelong Dundas residents and don't really spend time in Hamilton unless they're visiting my family. They don't use transit, they're retired, and they don't understand why their taxes spiked so that they can "pay for Hamilton's issues". Remember, amalgamation was a real sore spot (and still is!) for residents. They saw their services like snow removal, garbage collection and the like take a real quality nosedive after the supercity and don't get why they are required to pay more to get less.

They may have worked in Hamilton, but they certainly don't spend time there.

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