Comment 116796

By Selway (registered) | Posted March 03, 2016 at 22:54:16 in reply to Comment 116770

Well, I don't think that all is going to be expunged. The old CN station is there, and the Custom House, though I guess these are technically in Central rather than the North End. Rheem and that Gartshore Thompson building on the block immediately west went down too fast, with no call for alternatives. The lost possibility that bothers me the most is sound stages for the film industry in the Rheem building, but I don't know if that's realistic. Whether either building was worth keeping in the long run is another question, which was just pre-empted, no discussion.

The velodrome, well Council didn't like the price tag – which, as you indicate, might have been reduced if it could have been put inside the Rheem structure. As I recall it, during the stadium brouhaha the velodrome discussion went behind closed doors and never came out again.

In any case, there is still the city works building across the street from the Rheem site, and for the time being that structure is slated for full or partial retention in the Urban Design guidelines for Barton Tiffany.

The North End proper lost its pre-confederation house a few years back. There are three interesting old churches, but no-one's talking about their fate at the moment. For the rest, the housing stock is wildly varied and the whole neighbourhood is a showcase of every vernacular facade treatment known to man. Let's enjoy while we can.

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