Comment 116651

By JasonL (registered) | Posted February 26, 2016 at 13:22:03 in reply to Comment 116649

I'm not sure 'outing' them would change anything. They happily out themselves at council meetings, and on twitter all the time. I've never once heard Terry Whitehead, or Lloyd Ferguson (in his defence, he is on board for LRT) or Doug Conley speak glowingly about HSR and our need for a great bus system. Heck, Terry said he wouldn't participate in the 'throw them on the bus' campaign because it's too inconvenient to use.

They are happily and openly anti-transit. Perhaps finding out which well-known business owners and 'community leaders' fund their campaigns, and outing them might be a better strategy?? I remember how quickly the owners of LaLuna removed their 'no bus lane' once faced with threat of boycott from all their transit-using customers.

Comment edited by JasonL on 2016-02-26 13:22:33

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