Comment 116646

By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted February 26, 2016 at 10:23:04 in reply to Comment 116644

Over a thousand (1,088) people waiting for city parking and the best they can come up with is to raise the hourly rate? How typically Hamilton. Gouge the helpless motorist.

Perhaps it has not occurred to some that buses don't always go where people want to go? Does it not occur to anyone that more parking is needed? That would lead to more revenue which will be ultimately wasted for the most part.

Cars are not going away folks. Make room for them. The people in them pay huge taxes and cannot or do not want to take a bus. They are an important part of the workforce. Help them. More buses for people that need them, and forget about LRT.

My recent (and last) visit to Copps whatever cost $20 to park for a couple hours. Asinine. Tear down abandoned buildings and make parking lots. Obviously they are needed.

They need to try Toronto parking sometime.

During the beginnings of a Blue Jays game on a very busy shopping day, right at the beginning of peak period. Or The annual Ex at the Exhibition Place. (Surprisingly: You can find free parking about 1 to 1.5 kilometers away, in areas nearer King/Queen, and walk instead. Better yet, catch public transit)

Parking is easy-peasy in Hamilton for a Toronto veteran. The TiCats games don't even faze me. Go two or three blocks away, try the almost-always-never-full Hughson/John parking lots pictured here -- even a game at FirstOntario rarely fills all of those parking spots up. Heck, if you hate walking four or five blocks, the $5 SoBi membership is also cheaper than the parking fees at Copps.

Why demolish buildings because people don't want to walk two blocks further? Their lives will live longer anyway.

And, when those parking lots are redeveloped, they can be buried (underground parking underneath developments). Heck, if it was a condition of redeveloping those lots, I'd be OK with a single large modern garage that consolidates the lots and frees up development space.

Hamilton has already indeed demolished a massive amount of abandoned buildings, for parking lots. Use them!!!!
They may be a bit of a longer walk, but parking a little bit further away is still a shorter walk than an indoor mall walk from end of Jackson Square to the end of City Centre.

Even as a car owner MYSELF, enough is enough with all these wastelands.

Comment edited by mdrejhon on 2016-02-26 10:37:03

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