Comment 116625

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted February 25, 2016 at 11:17:30

To me, the simplest goal would be if the City set a policy with an upper-limit on the savings ratio for parking when buying daily vs hourly and monthly vs daily. I've gone over this before, but people buying monthly hurts their ability to make occasional use of transit and cycling, and monthly discounts encourage people to buy monthly.

If the city set a policy where the ratio of daily:monthly for municipal lots had to be 1:15 or higher, then commuters would be encouraged to just use the daily rate. Likewise, hourly:daily could have a 1:4 constraint, which would help encourage short-stays at city lots for customers, not commuters.

Currently, you have lots that are $6 to park for a day, $60 to park for a month, and $2 to park for an hour. That means somebody who parks their half the month and then buses or bikes half the month is paying as much as somebody who parks there every day, and a customer who parks for 3 hours while running errands pays the same as a commuter who uses the spot for the whole day.

Even embracing free-market ideals and avoiding forcing private lots to adhere to more responsible ratios, the city could show leadership and rebalance their ratios to encourage mixed commuting and the economic activity of customers.

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