Comment 116592

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted February 19, 2016 at 22:16:13 in reply to Comment 116578

It sounds a lot like a steel warehouse. I used to work for Steelcare (now CareGo) and that sounds like their facilities. 10 tonne steel coils packed 3 layers tall, truck and rail loading bays, sky-high ceilings for overhead cranes, etc.

Hamilton is Steeltown and the industry is in decline. I wonder if there isn't a warehouse or transloading facility around town that could be purchased and repurposed as all or part of an LRT facility?

I mean, for comparison, this is the Aberdeen/Longwood rail yard Steelcare Plant 6. It's Steelcare's head offices and the biggest facility, so it's not a good example of a "disused" facility, but it's the one I worked the most at so I know it best:

Steelcare Plant 6 aerial photo

edit: Holy cats, Google informs me that CP Rail owns the steel warehousing/trucking Steelcare side of the company now, bought it last year. CareGo is now just a tech company.

Comment edited by Pxtl on 2016-02-19 22:34:07

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