Comment 116589

By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted February 19, 2016 at 15:02:12 in reply to Comment 116583

Right -- are there any MSF locations that would be millions cheaper? Perhaps one of the disused pier areas, if we use the Burlington spur idea. The MSF and spur options are likely going to cost roughly a tenth of the LRT budget or thereabouts. You got lots of cons with each of the other seemingly obvious options too (e.g. Expropriating a park, and/or longer spur at even higher cost, and/or bigger decontamination task, etc). So a couple hundred thou extra for the transport in/out of the heaviest pieces (may only require two or four trips, with the rest of the stuff being brought in conventionally) if this ends up being a pick-your-poison choice...

The next few months, regardless, will be very interesting!

Comment edited by mdrejhon on 2016-02-19 15:04:27

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