Comment 116584

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted February 19, 2016 at 13:51:46 in reply to Comment 116583

Ouch. I guess if you went Burlington->Wellington->Ferrie you'd get it down to one single crossing across rail tracks. That would be easier to negotiate or even bridge. But then you've still got to figure out how to get from Wellington at Ferrie to Wentworth when you're boxed in by the CN/GO tracks to the South and those meandering industrial service tracks to the North. Under that cirumstance, though, Victoria at Ferrie as the official "Terminus" an then a narrow single-rail track down to the garage wouldn't be too bad. Wellington at Ferrie would be a fine end-point, servicing HGH, the east side of the North End, and the new Victoria Street industrial park.

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