Comment 116583

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted February 19, 2016 at 13:27:32

The problem of bringing anything across the railway track for construction or construction staging (to site transport of materials/equipment and storage for later construction) is that an individual report/request for service interruption has to be filled with Transport Canada and the MTO every time you cross an active section of mainline railway track with even moderately heavy/large equipment. You don't have to do this if you use a legal railway crossing. However, legal crossings are very limited in size, weight allowances and time availability. Making their use almost as expensive/difficult as just crossing the tracks precisely where you need. However that means roughly each day you do this you have to file another report/request. They cost currently between $3200-$26000 a shot depending on what you are moving, how much material is crossing (amount and weight), when you are doing it and where you are crossing. This can become a deal breaker for construction budgets, unless very precise an exacting site construction scheduling/phasing is done. Even the best experts get screw this up. A friend of mine said it best, "its not an example of grand inefficiency, organized bribery, robbery and corruption, its just construction".

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