Comment 116575

By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted February 18, 2016 at 20:11:22

Now a separate commentary on MSF routing:

In the study of MSF routes, I'm surprised that an additional route was not included in a cost/feasibility: Extending A-Line LRT eastwards down Burlington to reach the facility instead!

Perhaps this would be similiar cost, yet revenue-generating? (in light of waterfront revitalization)

Burlington route to MSF

This way, we have a fully-in-service LRT (even if not immediately, but later on, turn the A-Line LRT eastwards on Burlington) to accomodate long-term evolution of the eastmost section of Burlington.

Or perhaps this was ruled out as being too excessive in cost, not a good fit for the area, or too far out in the future of the waterfront redevelopment of the affected piers. Though, it seems this routing could make sense to be included in a study of multiple MSF routes, especially in the light of A-Line extension all the way to the waterfront.

Alternate idea: Active connecting LRT service on Wentworth-Barton-Birch (if this route chosen)

This is another idea. Personally I am not 100% sure that residents along Wentworth-Birch would be fully happy about being permanently unable to take advantage of empty out-of-service LRTs passing their households. Unless, of course, Wentworth-Barton-Birch also doubled as an in-service spur to shuttle residents between Barton/King -- something that ideally should at least be eventually considered (once the LRT fleet expands sufficiently to keep a vehicle doing the rounds on the spur) if this routing is kept. Residents will be staring at empty vehicles transiting this Wentworth-Barton-Birch route, and it would be great to be able to eventually offer connecting LRT service on this spur, even if there's only two stations or so.

It could be a catalyst for Barton BIA re-revitalization -- another go at this. With a station at Wentworth-Barton interlining with multiple HSR bus routes. Several isolated bright spots are already finally showing up near there, such as 541 Cafe & Eatery and other places, nearby this theoretical LRT stop, and this could help sustain the upswing of the long-depressed Barton area.

Comment edited by mdrejhon on 2016-02-18 20:50:24

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