Comment 11623

By Observer (anonymous) | Posted September 11, 2007 at 17:34:42 seems that you are definitely hung up on protecting the irresponsibility and imaturity of all cyclists (of which I am one long experienced and club cyclist)while condemning all motorists for the mistakes of a few. Councilwatch is correct in asking the question "Why are we as cyclists not compelled to carry liability insurance?". It is available you know for responsible bikers. I spend my summers on cycling holidays all over the world and I can tell you that it is not accidents involving cyclists that I observe but the many, many accidents caused by cyclists who pedddle away unconcerned.It does take a drivers test to operate an automobile, anyone can ride a buke.The answer you gave Councilwatch was ridiculess and if this is your attitude to logical concernI will question your ability as a cyclist.

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