Comment 116079

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted January 15, 2016 at 14:03:53 in reply to Comment 116074

The thing is that we've gotten very used to this kind fo problem with cycling infrastructure. I think it was two years ago where the cycling office ended up not even spending the lion's share of their budget (which was returned to general coffers, not rolled over to next year) because they hadn't gotten around to building anything. And as you can see from the picture up top, much cycling plan has not been implemented.

So literally, we have cases where builds are planned and budgeted but they simply don't bother to get around to them at all.

This is the same city that has been procrastinating on approved 2-way conversions for 15 years.

So yes, I think grousing about the city's sluggish timelines is often appropriate.

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