Comment 115958

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted January 08, 2016 at 09:59:54

To be fair, I think this kind of half-assed snow-clearing is what cars actually generally get, and for cars it actually works okay as curb-lane buses and trucks and cars act as ploughs themselves.

With only occasional curb lane vehicles pulling over, instead of properly packing the snowbanks they spread them around into hazardous bumps thoughout the bike lane.

So no, I don't think city staff are doing any worse job they were when it was a car lane - at least not in intent. The outcome is obviously quite different, though.

However, the whole justification for unprotected lanes is ease/cost of ploughing them with full-sized normal city ploughs. If the city is going to use ploughs as a justification for leaving bike lanes unprotected, then they really ought to actually properly plough them.

Fortunately, I bike the exact route Ryan describes as "they did an okay job here" - last year Dundurn North was a death-trap, this year its been quite well done. And there's only one flattened snowbank I have to curb-hop onto when traveling Westbound on York Boulevard. And as always, they have done an execllent job with the Cannon track.

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