Comment 115867

By ergopepsi (registered) | Posted December 30, 2015 at 14:58:49 in reply to Comment 115866

When I took driving lessons (over 30 years ago so may be outdated) I was taught that pedestrians always have the right of way. So a kid skateboarding down the street, a jaywalker, a drunk guy stumbling through an intersection all require that I yield.

More importantly we were taught to anticipate. This requires that the driver be aware of his surroundings, 360, at all times. If you see a kid on his bike on the sidewalk you have to anticipate that he might suddenly turn into traffic - you get the idea.

The problem with having a high speed limit like 70, 80 or even 90 kph in a mixed pedestrian zone is that human reaction times are not quick enough at those speeds. If the streets were designed to slow down the traffic it would follow that drivers would actually be able to successfully react to whatever might unfold before them.

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