Comment 115285

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted December 01, 2015 at 16:13:31 in reply to Comment 115279

The point is primarily about density, whether downtown or in the suburbs. But it also becomes increasingly expensive to service the city if it keeps expanding outwards (this is just geometry). It is also about recognizing that the multi-storey apartments/condos are huge tax generators relative to the area they take up compared to any kind of single family housing.

Part of the problem in Hamilton is also that transit (and previously other services) is area weighted so newer suburban areas with low bus service pay far less. This might seem fair, but it means that it is very difficult to actually improve bus service in the newer suburbs because the area has to pay the full cost of the increase instead of spreading it out over the entire city. And it also means that many areas in the city care little about HSR service because they don't have to pay for it and don't receive much service. Hamilton is the only municipality where different urbanized areas pay different tax rates for different services.

(By the way I also pay $6k in taxes in any area close to downtown for a house that cost $180k in 1998!)

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2015-12-01 16:14:34

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