Comment 115284

By division (anonymous) | Posted December 01, 2015 at 16:06:18 in reply to Comment 115279

The problem is, the "us versus them" viewpoint has largely been pushed by suburban councillors claiming to represent suburban citizens who are "sick and tired of subsidizing downtown".

Meanwhile the facts do not support this view. The information needs to be presented, and the fact that the built forms are physically divided makes it by nature somewhat divisive.

However the way this information is received and processed by the listener has as much to do with this as the information itself. If anyone is offended by these facts, that's a problem with their outlook, not a problem with the facts themselves.

Also, concession is not really "suburban". South of Mohawk is a different story.

Building a road from downtown to the dump is different than the cul de sacs that need to be ploughed and serviced for zero commercial or municipal traffic.

There are certainly efficiencies that work both ways but in the bigger picture, the denser core does indeed subsidize the less dense residential areas. Meanwhile, suburban councillors will not let the downtown thrive and grow in order to strengthen the commercial and residential tax base to ease the burden on the current urban dwellers.

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