Comment 115274

By ergopepsi (registered) | Posted December 01, 2015 at 13:59:58 in reply to Comment 115271

In simple terms, you have 400' of road in the suburbs. If each lot is 50' you have 8 houses / families. Somewhere else, you have 400' of road with three low rise buildings taking up 125' each with 10 families in each building. That's 30 families per 400'.

So, a snowplow drives 400' to plow the suburban area and it has serviced 8 families. It drives 400' on the low rise block and has serviced 30 families. The same concept works for pipes, power lines, police, fire, ambulance, buses, roads you name it.

This isn't a jab - it is simple math. People living downtown on their very modest properties should be concerned that they are paying taxes at the same rate as those who are reclining on their 50 or 100' foot frontages.

Comment edited by ergopepsi on 2015-12-01 14:00:12

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