Comment 115267

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted December 01, 2015 at 12:19:07 in reply to Comment 115266

The provincially mandated minimum goal under the Places to Grow Act is that 40% of new development must occur within the urbanized area (which includes the suburbs). That's not the same thing as the actual housing supply.

Pamela Blais gave the figures for Hamilton and other municipalities, where Hamilton was in the middle (I think 37%). I couldn't find an actual city reports with the figures (but I believe they are given in the city's application to remove land from the green belt for urban development). You can watch Blais's complete presentation at:

She also shows where residential growth and employment has been increasing (and decreasing) over the past few years which gives an indication of how the incentives/disincentives are impacting growth.

I should point out that Blais's talk was all about incentives/disencentives to development (especially development charges). She didn't say anything about annual tax rates for existing development.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2015-12-01 12:22:36

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