Comment 115070

By couple things (anonymous) | Posted November 25, 2015 at 19:05:04 in reply to Comment 115062

1. Most authors around these parts would NEVER advocate for sidewalk riding. It is understood that this is one of the most dangerous things a cyclist can do in terms of endangering themselves.

2. When there is zero accommodation made for cyclists, the city is setting people up to fall victim to this temptation. The city has made the streets terrifying, the city has set up one ways that disallow cyclists to reach destinations, so residents who don't fully understand the risks of sidewalk cycling are encouraged to engage in this risky behaviour, thinking that it's safer than the road, and having little alternative choice when the one way streets don't lead to the right places.

We can try to educate the behaviour away but it would be much more effective to properly design the roads instead (i.e. create space for cyclists and remove barriers such as one ways and turn restrictions)

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