Comment 114874

By JasonL (registered) | Posted November 17, 2015 at 14:19:23

Was on Concession today. Few observations:

  • while I was driving around 50-55km along Concession heading E from Upp Wellington, a guy in a pick-up passed me at around 70-80k. Why? Because he can. In fact, he is encouraged to by a street design that has built an entirely empty, useless lane next to the sidewalk from Sam Lawrence Park to E 15th. City Hall will be pleased to know that the grand Hamilton tradition of screaming along at highway speeds inches from pedestrians is alive and well.

  • the speed humps and 30km speed limit all along Mountain Park Ave are gone. Because Mtn Park needs to be 50k with no traffic calming. 20-minute city is clearly alive and well.

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