Comment 114858

By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted November 16, 2015 at 17:36:30 in reply to Comment 114854

Escalator might cost too much operationally -- electricity is enormous for a long/multistage escalator. To protect it from the elements, you'd need a long shelter for it (like Ontario Science Centre, only much longer -- and probably heated) and this will cost far more than a gondola, and require dynamiting the escarpment -- something not easy to sell to the population nowadays.

A basic small-capsule gondola uses relatively little wattage, and little escarpment modification, and could be done relatively inexpensively here, 500 meters east of the BIA:


This is accessible (1 wheelchair, plus a bike hook), so families with strollers can use it.

It could be an opportunity to extend the BIA revitalization eastwards past the Juravinski Hospital.
Although you do have to walk past some old apartment blocks (that looks in relatively poor shape) next to Concession Park. I'm not sure how long these apartment blocks will last, but if they fall apart in 20 years.... Then this might be a future opportunity to rebuild some better mixed-income-retail development someday right next to Concession Park, to extend the BIA right up to the Gage-Mountain Park Gondola, perhaps after it's already built.

There's a Beckett Drive gondola as well, in the Hamilton Trails Master Plan, though does not currently include the proposed Gage-Mountain Park Gondola.

Comment edited by mdrejhon on 2015-11-16 18:48:08

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