Comment 114712

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted November 06, 2015 at 23:01:31 in reply to Comment 114630

I actually find this worse because it used to be easy to take the whole right lane as a cyclist since the middle lane was available to through traffic. Now all through traffic is forced to share the right lane with cyclists, and most motorists are not willing to stay behind a bike for that entire block, making for some hair raising close passes as they try to get around to be first at the light.

As a driver it is worse when there is a bike because of the opposite perspective view of the above problem (the middle lane is not available so to avoid being a jerk by passing close and fast, you have to drive at cycling speed for most of the block)

Dundurn needs a proper bike lane between king and main, and there should only be one left turn lane.

The parking lot should have a dedicated exit onto Main so that none of that traffic needs to use the dundurn left turn lane.

Of course what would truly fix this entire mess would be proper intersections at the highway ramps, and two way main extended from paradise to dundurn (and beyond)

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