Comment 114505

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted October 30, 2015 at 16:51:17 in reply to Comment 114504

The Universtiy buses in Westdale dwarf the Aberdeen 6 in popularity, and there's a popular stop at King and Bond in which the westbound bus pulls over into a bike-lane, leaving only half a car lane for drivers. Drivers go around the bus and push a bit into oncoming traffic.

Nobody has been horribly killed in a fiery wreck yet, so it seems to indicate that people can handle slowing down and being careful around a stopped obstruction like a bus. And I think you'll agree that an oncoming is much more serious than a turning lane for getting around a bus.

That's definitely a point in favour of Ryan's penultimate "Aberdeen Avenue with bike lane and curb parking protected bike lane" option.

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