Comment 1145

By jegarh (anonymous) | Posted September 29, 2006 at 10:41:51

I am all for more people riding their bikes. Here in the Southwest it can be done year around. The distances and the HEAT (110f not uncommon) are what make "carfree" almost unworkable in these regions. Every trip is long. Trips to neighboring towns are 42 miles (closest) to 56 miles (furthest). Trips to large cities are 120, closest to 150 next closest. Rural areas will never be able to support public transportation that will be practical. A 300 mile trip to your doctor on your bike would either kill you or prove that you didn't need the doctor in the first place.

Painting with a "wide brush" ain't going to get the problem fixed. Education will go a long way to alieviating the car/bike conflict whether in the city or on a farm to market road. Better infrastructure would also help.

I am a thorn in the side of Texas DOT in my area. A very small thorn to be sure, but I do have the Mayor and County Judge's ear and it looks like several main arteries will be restriped moving the "fog" line at least 4ft from the curb or edge of the road. Every little bit helps.

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