Comment 114321

By ergopepsi (registered) | Posted October 20, 2015 at 15:12:06 in reply to Comment 114320

Corporate globalization is an inevitable force. Whether or not it is 'of nature' I'm not sure. I think what upsets most people about globalization is that we suddenly find ourselves having to share all the wealth and all the jobs with the people that for most of history have had none of the wealth and none of the jobs.

And no they (Mexican, Chinese, et al) don't have many rights and yes they aren't paid well. But they are educating their children and they are fighting for their own rights. Worker protests in China and Mexico do happen and they are repressed. But if you recall the fight for workers rights was pretty brutal here in North America fifty or sixty years ago.

Comment edited by ergopepsi on 2015-10-20 15:12:17

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