Comment 114285

By KevinLove (registered) | Posted October 17, 2015 at 11:07:16 in reply to Comment 114284

This is mildly amusing, in an Orwellian doublethink kind of way.

Just because someone else makes a false statement about the findings of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives that does not magically change those findings or make the false statement true.

It is possible to easily read what the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives actually wrote. The link is to the CCPA document of November 2014 entitled "The Parent Trap: Child Care Fees in Canada's Big Cities."

If one bothers to actually read what the CCPA actually wrote, it is easy to see that Doreen's statement is completely false. It is only in the worst city they looked at, Brampton, that child care fees are over 35% of the median income of women in Brampton who are between the ages of 25 and 34.

Quebec, in specific, is much more affordable, due to the provincial government's policy of $7 per day child care. The worst city in Quebec has child care fees equal to only 6% of the median income of women between the ages of 25 and 34.

For those who could not even be bothered to read, I direct their attention to the bar graph that constitutes Figure 6 on page 15 of the CCPA document. Here is the link again:

CCPA never said what Doreen asserted they did. Indeed, the CCPA document contradicts Doreen's false statement. Which can be easily seen by anyone who reads the document or at least looks at the graph on page 15.

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