Comment 114283

By KevinLove (registered) | Posted October 16, 2015 at 23:16:20

I am certainly not a supporter of Mr. Harper and suspect that Doreen and I may be voting for the same political party next week.

Nonetheless, Doreen should not publish blatant and easily detectable falsehoods, as they damage her credibility and the credibility of the causes that she supports.

In particular, this statement of Doreen's is absolutely false:

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) found that women spend over 35 per cent of their income on childcare.

No source was given by Doreen, but Google quickly turned up what the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives actually found.. Which is very different from what Doreen wrote in two very significant ways.

First, they did not look at the income of women in general, but only women between the ages of 25-34. See pages 15-16 of above link.

Second, the cost of childcare came to over 35% of this income only in the worst city in all of Canada. The average in Canada is much lower. To quote from page 6 of the above link:

... we found that Brampton is the least affordable city in Canada for child care. In Brampton, fees are worth 36% of a woman's income, the equivalent of four months' worth of work. This is largely due to lower overall incomes for women in Brampton... The most affordable city for child care in Canada is Gatineau, where child care takes up 4% of a woman's income...

So Doreen's statement is absolutely false.

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