Comment 113872

By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted September 15, 2015 at 03:43:18 in reply to Comment 113871

Good point about Vancouver. However, we are still actually more progressive with bikes than several Canadian cities -- including Calgary. There are cities that have ripped out their bike infrastructure, like Beijing, China -- and are only now backpedalling to reinstalling them after the world's worst rush hours happening.

And, as an LRT advoacy group, we all want to help it happen. We have a very good feeling that we can get this moving forward on time. Some in the city hall is now paying attention to our twitter account, and some high level people have retweeted some of our tweets already! Whether or not all citizens likes their elected representatives or not, we still all have to work together to get the LRT moving forward.

The spiffy new logo is getting there -- we love it -- keep tuned for the logo launch (and the -official- website launch too!)

Comment edited by mdrejhon on 2015-09-15 03:50:11

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