Comment 113768

By RobF (registered) | Posted September 04, 2015 at 07:32:25 in reply to Comment 113750

Yes, agreed. I ride from the North End fairly regularly to Ottawa Street and there are no direct or straight routes.

You end up either going up to the Cannon Bike Track and then heading North to use residential streets to get to Beechwood behind the stadium after Sherman and head back south to Primrose get around a factory and thru Belview Park to access Campbell Ave, which runs to Ottawa Street just south of Barton, or wind thru Keith past the old Studebaker/Otis Elevator site, slightly north at Wentworth to Brant St and then south (the wrong-way on Sherman ... use of sidewalk recommended) to Biggar Ave and Beach Road, which dumps you on Ottawa just north of the CN mainline.

I typically use the former to access shops on Ottawa Street between Barton and Cannon/Roxborough, and the latter when I need something from the Centre on Barton.

Neither is ideal and took me several trips to figure out and get comfortable with. Personally, I'd recommend against cycling on Beach Road as it seldom feels safe given the narrowness, parked cars, driveways, and generally high-speed of cars on it, etc. But you don't have many options as you go east of Sherman south of the rail-corridor, especially past Gage.

I would welcome any improvements in connectivity for cycling that reduce the number of jogs and backtracking required for this sort of cross-town trip.

Comment edited by RobF on 2015-09-04 07:36:27

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