Comment 1136

By R. Fuller (anonymous) | Posted September 28, 2006 at 19:36:57

Given Hamilton's history of poor and corrupt planning, I guess it doesn't surprise to see yet another idea it's got being questioned. I agree that certain areas would do well to be pedestrian-only, but that's not the end of it. I commute from out-of-town and it's a royal pain to first get into the city, then to park. Perhaps in addition to the downtown idea, more express ways (ie no stop-lights, no pedestrians) could be built on the crappier parts of the Hammer - there are plenty, trust me. That way, cars out & people in. I'm all for downtown revitalization (should I even put the 're' there... it's been a while I guess) but it can't be ignored that cars are vital for people like me - maybe if there were less escarpment and more un-crappy bus service they wouldn't be, but they are. So again, cars out of downtown, and make them go faster, further out. Some good planning I'm sure could do it... but then again, it _is_ Hamilton..

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