Comment 113353

By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted August 07, 2015 at 16:11:00 in reply to Comment 113351

Michael Green (Ward 3 city councillor) is currently aware and comlimented my Gage GO station idea:

When I talk about "Barton Street Condos" by 2035 in that tweet, I'm referring to hopefully European style 4-storey condos, not the boring cookiecutter glassboxes of Toronto, of course. Major revitalization on Barton for business & residential is much easier with simultaneous Hamilton HRT and shoe-string pedestrian-only Gage GO station book-ending Barton on both sides, along with many additional north-south bike and HSR bus improvements (transit connector routes). The shuttered storefronts will be extinct on Barton for our children's generation.

If somebody at City Hall was secretly thinking "Gage GO station" when buying the land on Gage next to the railroad for a soccer field -- this is nearly as prescient as the Toronto mayor that protected for a subway when bulding the Prince Edward Viaduct -- rail deck embedded into the bridge about half a century before Bloor-Danforth subway got built and utilized this deck. This is more visionary Hamilton City Hall thinking than the usual Old Boys Club, in my opinion. Gage GO might not be built for 20 or 50 years, but it's now successfully protected municipal land abutting directly into the GO train corridor between West Harbour and Stoney Creek.

We have to make sure Lower City employment can increase over the years (while also including the poor too).

Comment edited by mdrejhon on 2015-08-07 16:25:40

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