Comment 113347

By mamasaurusof2 (anonymous) | Posted August 07, 2015 at 14:49:40 in reply to Comment 113336

I lived in Vancouver for 8 years. I earned a good living and while looking for housing quickly eliminated False Creek. It was a plethora of overpriced poorly constructed condos. It also boasted "greenspace" but this was overshafowed (liteally) by high rise buildings. An igly blight on beautiful waterfront property. I'm afraid that Hamilton's wzterfront is headed for the same fate. Thonk of the Toronto Waterfront from 26 years ago. One could approach downtown and see the lake and greenspace with citizens enjoying the waterfront. Now the view is obscured by high rise condos.
If Hamilton don't heed the lezsons of Vancouver's False Creek and Toronto's waterfront it will suffer the same fate.
A wayerfront that resembles ANY OTHER waterfront in the world. A maze of condos that block the use and view of the waterfront. High density housing that nrings woth it traffic chaos, higher crime and simply becomes a blight on the affordability and access to area neighbors.
We have a beautiful waterfro t that must be protected from greedy developers and city officials who have visions of tax dollars "dancing in their heads".....But these dollars generated by additional taxes will so.y disappear into general city coffers to be used for yhe benefit of a few only.
Weust object to any fevelopment without careful consideration of what we wNt the waterfront to look like in 26 years.
We want to see responsible building not another Condoland.....

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