Comment 113276

By Dalaine (registered) | Posted August 04, 2015 at 21:49:42 in reply to Comment 113252

You are absolutely correct that those supermarket peaches are not as nutritious as they were 40 years ago. Mass produced tomatoes, for example, have about one-third of the Vitamin C that they had in the 1950s. Have a look at The Dorito Effect by Mark Schatzker for some startling information about how the quality of our food supply had deteriorated. Also, for your information, food produced in the industrial agricultural system is relatively cheap because of government subsidies and because of the externalization of many costs of producing the foods (like the toxic wastes from pesticides and the degradation of the soil). Additionally, having 'access to produce all year round' is not a good thing. It means that mass produced out of season fruits and vegetables are shipped thousands of miles contributing further to pollution and climate change and when that produce arrives in our supermarkets it can be weeks old, has very little nutrition in it and tastes like cardboard. Not sure that benefits anyone except big agriculture.

Comment edited by Dalaine on 2015-08-04 21:50:31

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