Comment 113206

By DowntownInHamilton (registered) | Posted July 30, 2015 at 17:43:15 in reply to Comment 113163

RTH's submission guidelines (you can read them on the site) allow for non-Hamilton focused articles at the Editor's discretion.

Where? says nothing to this. Neither does the site's page discussing it's raison d'etre: . Interestingly, it does name you as living in Hamilton after moving from Toronto, but this article appears to refute that - perhaps some housekeeping is in order as it looks like you've moved back.

I submitted this because Hamilton has long been a hot bed of NDP support and I thought it might be of interest to some RTH readers (you read it and commented, so...).

This "hot bed of support" for the NDP doesn't seem to translate into votes, though. It's only been in the past decade or so that the Dippers have won over Hamilton, and that is probably more tied to the trevails of Stelco and Dofasco, as well as the Liberal implosion. Hamilton was very much a Grit town for most of the past half century.

Pls keep in mind that it takes time to craft an Op-Ed piece. Whatever your thoughts on the content and validity or the article your comments should be respectful not smug.

You wrote it on your time. Nobody forced you to. If you can't take the criticism, don't write it. Your responses could well be told the same thing.

Comment edited by DowntownInHamilton on 2015-07-30 17:43:59

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