Comment 113173

By RobF (registered) | Posted July 29, 2015 at 18:56:09 in reply to Comment 113163

Ben, Olivia Chow quit once ... repeating Adam Vaughan's rhetoric doesn't change the facts. She resigned as MP to run for mayor. He resigned his council seat to run for her federal seat. How is she "wasting our money by quitting all the time"?

And again, I make distinctions between waste and fraud ... the senate scandal is about fraudulent expense claims by political appointees. Tying that into a discussion about Olivia Chow running again for her old seat slightly redrawn is basically a smear.

Like her or not, Olivia Chow is a politician/activist ... she ran for mayor because a lot of people asked her to thinking that a serious challenger for Rob Ford was more important for the City. Tory ran and won, the NDP wants to win the seat back, she's out of the game and wants back in. I don't see this as her not knowing what she wants to do. Political life is about timing, timing you don't control. The question for voters in the riding is do you think she'd represent you better than the other candidates ... Adam Vaughan's no slouch and I'd list it as a race to watch, not the least because Vaughan and Chow are both advocates for urban policy at the federal level. We need to have a vigorous debate about that in the heart of the country's biggest city ... Liberal and NDP policies are not one and the same.

Comment edited by RobF on 2015-07-29 18:57:39

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