Comment 113130

By StephenBarath (registered) | Posted July 28, 2015 at 14:02:48 in reply to Comment 113128

Does anyone know what the actual timing of the lights on Main and King are? Are they synchronized for a consistent speed of 48 kilometres per hour; 50; 60? I have heard all of those and more anecdotally. I'd be curious. When I have occasion to drive on Main, I have almost never encountered anyone traveling at the speed limit, let alone under it, so it doesn't seem to me that the timing could be at 50 or below. It likewise doesn't seem like it could be consciously timed to encourage people to exceed the posted speed limit, but that does seem to be the outcome...

The speed is a big part of why Main and King are such terrible experiences. 1500 millimetre sidewalks are inadequate anywhere, but when you have four or five lanes of live traffic adjacent to them, with no boulevard in between, it can feel very dangerous.

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