Comment 112827

By jason (registered) | Posted July 17, 2015 at 18:21:24

Then again, maybe we should be thankful that we've seen a lot of talk and planning with less building.

As the author of the aforementioned piece, I must say this is a great point. Especially in light of the type of development we've seen built and proposed in Hamilton in recent decades. Lacklustre is an understatement.

Surely by now there are enough folks at city hall who have learned from the best cities in the world and can offer a world-class built environment here. But having them rush to build isn't my desire, rather I'd like to see them get the private sector on board and start printing actual building plans/renderings/concepts that fit our official planning documents.

Things like a beach with muskoka chairs can be built quicker than an entire neighbourhood, but let's get the plan right.

Well written piece with great thoughts and ideas. We've got one shot to do this right, and must.

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