Comment 112775

By jason (registered) | Posted July 16, 2015 at 23:33:22

By the way, the Claremont has been down to 1-lane each way the past couple months. And you know why it hasn't been on the front page of the paper? Because there have been ZERO traffic slowdowns.

A street that is 7 lanes wide is down to 2 and traffic is still doing 80+. Gee, if only there was somewhere to build a walking/cycling path with protected barriers up the escarpment through the heart of the city.

Also, Charlton underneath the Claremont has been 1-lane each way and also free flowing 24-7. There is road width already there for bike lanes on Charlton from James to Wentworth. I'll stop right here before wasting anymore time suggesting what could be done with that ample road space since we all know it ain't gonna happen.

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